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CIA Chief: ‘We Will EXECUTE Trump If He’s Found Guilty’

Former CIA & NSA Director Michael Hayden has promised that Donald Trump will face execution if found guilty of espionage.

Hayden andMSNBCcontributor Michael Beschloss both posted tweets on Thursday warning that the public need to get used to the idea of Donald Trump being executed.

Beschloss posted an image of the Rosenbergs from the 1950s, noting they were executed after being convicted for giving Moscow nuclear documents.


reports: The tweet came days after the FBI raided Trump’s Florida home and just hours after it was revealed the agency was

 allegedly searching for documents 

related to “nuclear weapons.”

In response to the tweet, retired four-star general and former CIA/NSA Director Michael Hayden posted, “Sounds about right.”

In response to the news about potential nuclear-related documents in Trump’s possession,

 the 45th president issued a statement 

reading, “President Barack Hussein Obama kept 33 million pages of documents, much of them classified. How many of them pertained to nuclear? Word is, lots!”

Former NYC Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, who


told Americans the Deep State might try to kill Trump, posted aFox Newsarticle about Hayden’s tweet.

“I told you it would come!” Kerik wrote.