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Snr Apostle Nwachukwu Contradicts Rev. Fr. Oluoma on poor People are most people who go for Warfare Prayers:

This is intrinsically misunderstanding to the scripture about prayer: I do not understand where such derogative statement where it comes from If a personality like Rev father Oluoma will release such investigative press statement who are mine to judge him..


I understand from the scripture that there are problems that could not be solved by money . There are some persons who have too much money but could not solved the problems before there face irrespective of the acquisition of finance in there possession.

The fearless Snr Apostle Nwachukwu, the high tension prophet founder : Stars Of Heaven Ministries refered to chief of Army Staff a great commander 2kings 5 vs 9 who have so much money yet seeking for solutions medically from Professional doctors and could not be healed .

The great commander by name, Naaman started seeking for warfare prayer to men of prayer that could heal him of sickness “leprosy”

Originally , his intensions was Warfare prayer he was seeking to himself because he was angry when the man of God directed him for He should Go and Wash at the river of Jordan

Sir , I don’t think warfare prayers are only meant for poor persons , not every problem could be solved with money He said