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Jehovah’s Witnesses back to Kingdom Halls after two years of virtual meetings, church services

After two years of meeting exclusively via video and/or telephone conferencing, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ghana and around the world will resume in-person meetings at their Kingdom Halls, starting April 1, 2022.

Since Monday, March 16, 2020, even before government restrictions were announced to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus, all in-person meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the country and worldwide were suspended.

The decision was motivated by respect for life as a gift from God, Jehovah and love of neighbour. Because of the motivation for the decision, government directives that came later were considered as the minimum requirements at all times and additional measures were added wherever it was needed to protect life.

To care for the spiritual needs of over 212,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses and others in the country who attend meetings each week, all spiritual programs and public ministry were conducted via video and/or telephone conferencing, such as Zoom.

In the last two years of virtual meetings and preaching ministry, over 220,000 people across the country now join these virtual meetings. Some of the new attendees have begun sharing in the

Christian commission of preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom—Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20.

With the current low incidents of COVID-19 infections and the wide availability of vaccines, the in-person use of Kingdom Halls for meetings will now start across the country, subject to all government directives and safety protocols. The virtual means of attending will be retained as a complement to the in-person meetings wherever possible.

This opening of the Kingdom Halls for in-person meetings coincides with the delivery of a Special Talk to be given worldwide, titled: “

Where Can You Find Real Hope?

” on

Sunday, April 10, 2022

, followed by the

Memorial of Christ’s death

on the evening of

Friday, April 15, 2022

. Jehovah’s Witnesses invite you to join them at their Kingdom Halls or virtually for these truly faith-building programs that give real hope for the future and to cope with the many challenges we all face today.

Daniel A. Adashie


Jehovah’s Witnesses, Ghana Branch

No. J348/4 Nungua-Tema Beach Road, Accra