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Do not eat Cucumber at night, these problems may occur

People mostly like to eat cold foods during the hot summer days and these foods help to keep the body and mind calm. In such a situation, cucumber is also included in these foods. However, on summer days, cucumber works to cool the body. That's because it's full of water. Along with this, it helps to keep the body hydrated. It is rich in nutrients. In fact, it contains nutrients like vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and copper. Apart from this, it also helps in reducing the risk of many diseases. Its consumption in summer helps to keep the body hydrated. However, it should not be consumed at night, as it can cause many problems.

The problem of sleeping -

According to experts, one should avoid consuming cucumbers at night. It's included in heavy eating. It takes a long time to digest and due to this, it is very difficult to get deep sleep at night. Due to this, it should be avoided to consume it before going to sleep at night.

Problem of gas and indigestion -

Cucumbers are rich in water. It helps to cure constipation and digestive related problems. In fact, cucumbers contain an element called cocrebitin and due to this cucumbers have a bitter taste. It can cause problems of gas and indigestion.

Problem of sinusitis -

Cucumber is cold in nature. People suffering from phlegm, cold and respiratory problems should avoid its consumption. People suffering from sinuses should be careful while consuming it.

For pregnant women-

Pregnant women are often advised to consume cucumbers. In fact, cucumbers contain more water. In such a situation, pregnant women have to go for frequent urination. During this time, they may feel quite uncomfortable.