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If You Are Diabetic and Don’t Want to Have Complications, Do These 4 Things

So, there’s need to follow/ take your health seriously at such time to avoid losing it. While diabetes is a serious health condition, it can also be managed to a good extent and in this article, we are going to have a look at some of the things you should consider doing if you’re diabetic to avoid having complications. Just sit tight and enjoy the article.


Avoid Smoking Entirely

; this is the first thing you should stay away from. If you are a already addicted to smoking, you must force yourself, consult doctors to help prevent you from smoking because it worsens diabetes especially type 2 diabetes. It can also fasten the development of certain diabetic complications like;

Reduced blood flow in the legs and feet which can lead to ulcers, and possible removal/amputation of your legs. It can also lead to stroke, various heart diseases, eye diseases which can lead to blindness and also premature death.


Keep Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Under Control;

this is another thing you should take seriously if you don’t want to increase your diabetes problems. When high blood pressure and cholesterol buildup coupled with diabetes develop in one person seriously, your chances of having serious complications would certainly increase. So you need to eat balanced diets, reduce fat intake and also exercise more frequently. Doing these things will ultimately reduce your chances of suffering terrible complications.


Take Care of Your Teeth

; this is another thing you must take care of because diabetes often affect one’s gum. To take care of this, you should brush at least twice with fluoride toothpaste, floss your teeth at least once in a day also and make sure you keep contact with your dentists incase you notice any swelling.


Pay Attention to Your Feet

; high blood sugar can reduce blood flow to your feet ultimately damaging the nerves in one’s leg. Left unattended to can lead to serious infections that explains why most diabetic individuals are amputated but if you want to control it, endeavour to do the following;

a. Wash your feet daily with lukewarm water.

b. Moisturize your feet and ankles with lotion or petroleum jelly, while doing this ensure you don’t put oil between your toes, the extra moisture might lead to infection.

c. Check your feet on a daily basis for new sores, blisters or redness or swelling.

d. Don’t go around barefoot, indoors or outdoors to avoid marching something that can further cause infection.

Do the above things to reduce the complications or rather avoid complications that comes with diabetes. Thanks.