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GCB Bank Serves Important Notice To All Customers -Everyone Needs To See This Message

As part of the duties of the Ghana Commercial Bank to protect their customers from fraudulent acts by scammers has issued a statement informing and cautioning them.

According to the statement, it has come to the attention of management of GCB Bank that there is an ongoing reward scheme for its customers.

The so called reward scheme comes with a link which instructs customers to input their bank details in order to qualify for a reward.

This purported reward scheme is sent as a message and is currently circulating on several social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.

Management of GCB Bank has hereby sent an urgent message debunking this message. According to management, no reward scheme is been carried out so customers should be very mindful of any message of such nature.

GCB Bank has emphatically stated that this reward scheme is a fraud and as such customers should not partake in it to protect themselves.

Management also advised its customers not to attempt clicking the link in the message as it is fraud and the customer bares all future consequences.

This message from management has been attached below and as such customers of GCB Bank should very mindful of any such fraudulent reward scheme.